ToO ID | 19442 |
Requester | Kennea |
Time Submitted | 2023-09-28 00:51:24 |
Urgency | Highest Urgency (observation needed within 4 hours) |
Object Name | Frfcand230928UT04ozl |
Type or Classification | FRB |
GRB Trigger Time (UT) | 2023-09-28 04:47:15 |
GRB Discovery Instrument | FRB/VLA |
Right Ascension (J2000) | 12.09988 (= 00h 48m 23.0s) |
Declination (J2000) | 42.00604 (= 42° 00' 21.0'') |
Position Error (90% confidence - arcminutes) | 0.03051976891677 |
Science Justification | |
Exposure Time per Visit (s) | Pending approval. |
Immediate Objective | |
Instrument | XRT |
XRT Mode | PC |
Primary Target ID | 16258 |
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