Swift MOC
Home Target of Opportunity Observations BAT XRT UVOT

UVOT Mode: 0x20c7

The following table summarizes this mode, ordered by the filter sequence:

FilterEvent FOVImage FOVBin SizeMax. Exp. TimeWeightingComments
uvw217230003000BLUE WEIGHTING

Filter: The particular filter in the sequence.
Event FOV: The size of the FOV (in arc-minutes) for UVOT event data.
Image FOV: The size of the FOV (in arc-minutes) for UVOT image data.
Max. Exp. Time: The maximum amount of time the snapshot will spend on the particular filter in the sequence.
Weighting: Ratio of time spent on the particular filter in the sequence.
Comments: Additional notes that may be useful to know.

Swift Mission Operations Center

The Pennsylvania State University
301 Science Park Road,
Building 2 Suite 332,
State College, PA 16801
☎ +1 (814) 865-6834
📧 swiftods@swift.psu.edu

Swift MOC Team Leads

Mission Director: John Nousek
Science Operations: Jamie Kennea
Flight Operations: Mark Hilliard
UVOT: Michael Siegel
XRT: Jamie Kennea